Sunday, January 11, 2015

2015 Is Your Year To Take What You Want!

For a lot of us settling has become an addiction, like we're comfortable saying yes to what we don't want and no to the things we do want simply because in the short-term it seems easier. What I'm saying is this year let this be the year where you decide to go after exactly what you want without playing into the limitations of it all and make the choice to get uncomfortable for a moment while you learn whatever it is you need to learn or experience whatever you need to experience in order to turn things around for you.

I wish I could tell you change was easy or getting the thing you want most e.g. weight loss, a new job, a promotion, a successful business was something that straight out the gate you would be comfortable with working all the steps to be successful in that, but that would be a lie. The greatest victories in my life and in the life of most successful people were the ones that caused the most pain, that caused us to stretch outside our comfort zones and be willing to put our nose to the grind stone and work our plan without second guessing it or ourselves. So now knowing that, it's obvious to see that you and anybody else who chooses can live the life of their dreams, a life by design- your design meaning you create what you want for your life if you're willing to take on the hard stuff and just go for it. If you fail, know that failure is a part of the journey to becoming great so embrace it and let it empower you.

2015 can very well be the year you overcome what's been holding you back, you just have to have the guts and the willingness to face it all head-on even in the mist of fear. Life is to be created and you have control over what happens in yours- do something different!

Check out this powerful video to fire you up further to go BIGGER this year, because you can...

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