Sunday, March 8, 2015

3 Sneaky Ways to Add More Fruit to Your Daily Diet


"Eat your fruits and vegetables!"...I can hear my mother saying it now.  But why should we make sure we eat a certain amount of fruit everyday, why is it a staple in every health conscious persons diet or better yet why is your trainer or coach making such a big deal about it.

Well, one reason maybe that fruit is one of the best natural sources to get our necessary daily vitamins and minerals. It's also shown to reduce chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. 

Weight loss and fruit go hand in hand, and here's why. The vitamins from fruit help reduce a big problem most people who over eat face and that is vitamin deficiency. Those unexplained cravings that happen maybe just an hour or two after you've just eaten is a prime example of vitamin deficiency or better yet malnutrition. 

Now, I know you're probably thinking how can someone who's not sickly thin be malnutrition, but in actuality weight has nothing to do with it, it has to do with the body getting enough vitamins, mineral and nutrients it needs. This comes from eating the right types of foods like your fruit and vegetables, which are excellent sources.

When a person is malnourished they tend to overeat, this is their body actually craving or searching for the nutrients its lacking. That's why you can eat a big bag of chips or cookies for lunch and in 30 minutes to an hour feel hungry again, your body is looking for the vitamins and nutrients it needs to give you the energy and perform at its best.

This is why you need a way to get more fruits into your diet, even if that means sneaking them in! So here 3 ways to do it.

1. Add fruit to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal. You probably already know this, but have you used it, is the question? Including fruit with a whole grain cereal or oats is ideal because you get to combine two powers that make you feel great in the morning a highly nutrition energy carb like fruit and satiety builder like fiber from cereal and oats which helps you feel full and satisfied. And know that you can have fun with this you don't have to do the traditional strawberries and banana in your cereal-- try apples, pears, coconut, mango- explore and find a combination that fits your taste buds.

2.  Build your snacks around the fruit not the other way around. Now, this may take a little effort but with a little resolve to eating more fruit to experience better health you can do it. Start by making your base snack some type of fruit and then pair it with another snack that you normally eat and really enjoy. Because you're mixing it with something you already like by default the fruit get's included in the category of foods you like as well. It's kind of a little trick you play on the mind to get it to respond differently and make a different association-- one that benefits you.

3. Leave fruit out every where. I have a bowl of bananas on my counter, a bowl of oranges on my table. In my fridge the strawberries are positioned to the front, so it's impossible for me to miss it. In other words I'm being constantly exposed to the things I know I need to eat daily. This is how you set yourself up to win. Keeping the foods that are healthiest in your view makes it easier to incorporate them into your daily life.

Sneaking in more fruit into your diet, can be easy if you commit to taking little steps. You don't have to use every tip right now, just start with one if that's what you're comfortable with. The key is to do that one step everyday- consistency is what builds the habit, so start there.

Have a unique way you get yourself to eat more fruit everyday? If so, share it with me in the comment section below :)

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