Friday, February 28, 2014

A No Excuse Workout You Can Do Now!

Don’t have a gym membership? That’s cool. Don’t own the latest T25 workout? Don’t sweat it. I have a workout that anyone can do and you don’t even need to leave your house to do it!

I call it my 20 minute freestyle workout and boy is it built to please. Why you might ask because you create the workout yourself! You choose the moves and the only requirement is that you keep moving for the entire 20 minutes. Now don’t go getting nervous on me, when I say keep moving, that could be stepping from side to side to catch your breath, but after that it’s back to the moves that get your heart pumping.

Creating your own 20 minute freestyle workout is easy. Simply turn on the music and start doing exercises you know, like jumping-jacks and push-ups, sit-ups, squats, leg lifts- you catch my drift. Do these exercises as many times as you can during that 20 minute window and feel the burn. And if you want to learn a few more moves you can always skip on over to Youtube where the catalog is endless with different exercises.

So as you can see there’s really no excuse not to workout at least every other day if you include this freestyle workout into your fitness routine. And if you don’t have a routine you can start with this and just incorporate some more activities you like that will get your heart pumping and tushy moving! Remember what you do is not as important as how often you do it. Consistency is key when trying to loose weight and stay fit!

Much success,


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