Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Small Changes You Can Make Now To Lose Weight

The majority of us think that losing weight has to be this big metamorphosis that turns our entire world upside down to be effective. However, I know better, and I want to share the small changes I and others around me have made to shed the pounds!

And that’s simply cutting the extras. So what are the extras in our diets? It’s the small things we add to our food, it’s the numerous empty calorie drinks we consume in a day, it’s anything you know for a fact you could do without but you still eat it anyway.

Now for example salad dressing we all love it, ranch is my favorite. But did you know that there’s about 73 calories in one table spoon and about 8 grams of fat! This is a lot for a food that doesn’t have the power to get you full and satisfied- it just provides taste. A trick I use, is to pour my dressing on in a circle, then I stir it in and taste it. If its tastes to my liking I keep it if not I add another drop notice I went from a circle to smaller drops. Here by gradually adding more and tasting I can control how much I add.

Sodas and juices are another big weight gaining extra that if taken a way can lead to a WHOPPING 15 pound weight-loss depending on your addiction. I say addiction cause those dang colas have a lot of people hooked and they can’t live without it. How do I know? Because I used to be one. The trick to kicking this habit is to start small. Instead of drinking 5 glasses of sodas do 4 try that for a few days then take a way another one until you’ve eliminated them altogether. And if you just have to have a fizz fix learn to except a diet coke, just don’t over do it. The body can mistake artificial sugars for regular ones which will induce some serious craving. So beware!

On the road to losing weight you’ll come across a ton of information saying do this and do that, but it’s important for you to start where you are and do as much as you can do. Take small steps and when you feel a little stronger take bigger steps, the goal is that you keep stepping until your reach where you’ve always dreamed of being.

You have the power to LOVE yourself straight to the top!

Also I did a video on this very subject you can check it out here on Facebook :)

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