Monday, February 24, 2014

Three Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight

So you’re on your weight loss journey, you've told yourself this is it- it’s time to get this extra weight off and get sexy! But that was two months ago and you still haven’t lost the type of weight you were looking to.

As a FitGal who has successfully maintained my weight loss for almost nine years I want to share with you three common reasons why you’re likely not losing weight as well as give you some tips to change your weight loss results from nonexistent to success you can see!

1. You’re not on the right diet plan. Let’s keep it real there are hundreds of diet plans out there low-carb, high protein, low-fat, no fat I mean the list goes on and on. But the key to your success is to understand your body and recognize its desires and needs. A diet that does not allow you to eat any sweets may not be the perfect plan if you know you love chocolate cake! Are you really willing to give up sweets for life? I'm sure you’re not which leads me to my next point.

2. You haven’t made a life style change. If you’re really serious about losing weight and keeping it off you’re going to have to have a core meal plan and a workout plan that fits with your life style- one that you can live by day-to-day. Statistics show that fad diets and yo-yo dieting does not work for long-term success. Get a realistic plan that has real food options and fitness training, and then incorporate into your life. Do a complete mindset change where you let go of the old way you use to do things and embrace the new that’s in front of you.

3. You lack commitment. In my opinion this probably is the biggest reason I see people not losing the type of weight they say they want to. They get inspired by some media ad or friend whose losing weight so they jump on the bandwagon. But once they realize the hard work and the sacrifices it takes to live a healthy lifestyle they quit. It’s important for you to know that if you’re ever going to lose weight quitting can never be an option for you. Sure you’ll have some days where you slip up and eat something you shouldn't or skip your workout but what’s vital is that you learn from those mistakes by planning better and moving forward. If you’re going to succeed it’s going to take every thing you've got, commitment being number ONE!

I hope these tips help to re-direct your weight loss journey, and lead you to a path that yields the result you desire.

Much success,


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