Monday, March 10, 2014

Over-eating Healthy Foods: When Eating Healthy Goes BAD!

Now I know what you’re thinking, how in the world can eating healthy ever be bad! Well, it all boils down to the amount consumed. Whether you eat a low fat snack or a high calorie snack if you don’t eat in moderation the outcome will be the same. You either won’t lose weight or you’ll gain weight, which is tragic if you’re on a diet!

Many people have the misconception that just because a food is considered ‘healthy’ its okay to eat as much of it as you want, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Eating three 100 calorie snacks is just as bad as eating a high calorie snack. It all really comes down to balance and control. If you have low-fat ice cream stick to the serving size, if you eat whole grain pasta alfredo add more vegetables than pasta, because in the end when you over do anything it’s a possibility that it can backfire on you and you end up with results that you didn’t want. To ensure you keep your healthy eating healthy follow these little tips.

  • Plan and prep. More than anything planning is the biggest key to weight loss success. Mapping out your meals and snacks, and preparing during a time when you’re not hungry is a great way to make certain you’re making sensible choices that aren’t induced by hunger.
  • Change your mindset. Like mentioned above, thinking just because a food is tagged as low or reduced doesn’t mean it won’t add pounds to you. The best thing would be for you to start reading labels and see just how much  fat and how many calories are in a food before you eat it, and be sure to stick to the serving size or maybe just 1-2 times over.
  • Reevaluate. If you often find yourself hungry or craving after a snack or meal it maybe time to make some adjustments to your diet plan. Things like refined sugars found in bread, pasta, crackers, or simple sugars can create intense cravings and leave you searching for more food. Instead try increasing your protein intake with things like chicken, low-fat cheese, and Greek yogurt. Protein is harder for the body to digest thus leaving you feeling full longer. Plus your body burns calories while breaking down protein so you get an added bonus!

To find out more about Shaneka Marigny and her fitness eCoaching program email her at

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