Sunday, March 16, 2014

Post-workout Snacks: “HELP, I’m Starving!”

We’ve all been there, just finished a nice sweaty workout and as soon as we hit the car our stomach starts to growl like something out of a horror film! Your first mind maybe to grab whatever’s available, I mean hey you just worked out, burned hundreds of calories so whatever you eat is cool, be it high in fat or high in calories cause you just worked out. Right??? WRONG!

So many people make the mistake of indulging in high calorie snacks or overeating healthy ones right after a workout mainly because they feel since they just burned all those calories their set, they can eat what they want and it won’t affect their results. When in fact people tend to eat more than normal and reach for unhealthy foods right after a workout, which is counterproductive to the whole purpose of working out.

You have to be ready for the after-workout cravings, and you do this by being prepared! Have your healthy snacks packed and ready to be devoured. Focus on foods that are high in protein which not only repairs your muscle tissue after a workout but keeps you feeling full longer helping you maximize your workout even more. Here’s, three snacks to fuel your body post workout.

Bananas with peanut butter
Sounds yummy right? Bananas are what you call simple carbohydrates which the body breaks down and uses quickly for energy thus why having one is great after an exerting workout. Then you add a table spoon of peanut butter, and bam you get your protein. And if you’re like me you know how good peanut butter tastes right out the jar! But be careful here while peanut butter is good protein its pretty high in calories so keep it to about two tablespoons max.

Protein Shake
Talk about a power drink, protein shakes are the optimum post workout choice especially when you combine it with a healthy carb. Fruits are a great low carb match for protein shakes plus they add flavor. These shakes can taste so good you almost forget you’re drinking something healthy and not some shake found on McDonalds fast food menu!

Cheese and crackers
Now this maybe my favorite snack of them all because I love cheese and I love the crunch of a cracker! Take a few slices of low fat cheese (try an keep the calories below 150) and have some whole grain crackers (stay mindful of the serving size, always read your labels) and wahla you get muscle building protein and energy boosting carbs.

Do you have a favorite post- workout meal or snack? Share in the comment section below and give others some ideas!

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