Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ask Shaneka: "How Do I Lose Belly Fat?"

email-questionQuestion: "I’ve been dieting and exercising for two months and I still don’t see any change in my stomach area. How do I get my stomach to go down?" -Janice

Shaneka's Answer: Well, Janice there could be a number of reasons why you’re not seeing weight loss in your midsection. Since you’re dieting and working out I would say look at your stress level. Stress is a big cause of stubborn belly fat for women and can be resistant to diet and exercise. Another thing is that you could be eating healthy but still taking in too much sugar. Sugar is a real enemy when it comes to weight loss. Your body takes the sugar uses some for energy and stores the rest as fat and for people who are prone to gain more weight in their midsection this is not good. Look at your diet and see where you can cut back on the sugar or eliminate it all together and remember all carbs are sugar even fruits so limit your intake of these foods and you should start to see some results!

I hope this helps and thanks for sharing Janice...

Much success,


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