Sunday, March 23, 2014

"You’ll Never Get Slim and Sexy and Still Be Able To Eat Whatever You Want, So Stop Trying!"

Now I debated whether or not I should write this post with such a bold title but my instincts tell me to keep it real and help someone get the body they want! So here it is… Obtaining a slim frame that’s toned with ripped up abs is going to take one thing and this is key… Are you ready? SACRIFICE!

Your weight loss success or failure will all boil down to how bad do you want it and how much are you willing to give up to get it! Now don’t get me wrong getting healthy and shedding pounds doesn’t mean you’ll never enjoy another cheese burger again or you can’t ever indulge in a chocolate fudge brownie ooh with vanilla ice cream. Ha-ha I laugh as I write this because these are all the things I love but guess what as a fit gal and as a women who has and still is successfully maintaining a 20 pound weight loss I could never indulge in those things on a regular bases and still have the slim and sexy body I want, the one I worked so hard to obtain.

Ever heard of the saying nothing worth having comes easy. I say this because as you step up to change your life and you feel the resistance because there will be resistance- its only natural that the mind tries to protect itself by staying in the comfort zone but there’s no success there. Our happiness, your happiness lies in making the changes you need to in order to get what you desire most, and if losing the weight, getting fit is a goal of yours make up your mind to take on any and every challenge, rid yourself of excuses, sacrifice and make it happen- not for anybody else but for you. I strongly believe that the more you sacrifice the more you gain and the more results you get.

So this week I want you to look at the things you’ve been eating, how much of it you’ve been eating and then I want you to be real with yourself and ask, “Am I really doing what I need to do to achieve my weight loss and fitness goals.” And if the answer is no I want you to dig deep accept the challenge and make the changes to get what you want.

With a made up mind you’re capable of doing anything especially making your dreams come true.

Your best days are ahead of you…


Question: What sacrifices have you been putting off that you know will help you reach your goals quicker? I'd love to hear about it post your comments down below :)

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