Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Enough With Just Saying You Want To Lose Weight, Here's How To Do It!

You hear it everyday people saying they want this and they want that or they wish they could lose weight or fit a certain dress size, but have you ever wondered what's stopping them. I mean really, if somebody wants something what's really keeping them from getting it? Likely the answer is a PLAN. A real live get it done action plan that they've taken the time to create.

So many us have this Disneyland mindset like the things we dream about will just magically appear out of thin air, and it's just not real. What is real though is taking the time to figure out what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.

Wanting to lose weight is great but where's your plan of action, how are you going to make it happen, what things do you need to do daily and weekly to ensure you succeed. Will you workout everyday or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, what type of healthy meals will you prepare, do you have those foods in your pantry? You see to really reach you goals of weight loss you have to get rid of the gray areas and get specific on how you're going to set yourself up to win.

Here's How You Can Do That:

  • #1 If you can get yourself a coach or someone who can hold you accountable. If you've tried to lose weight in the past without support obviously that doesn't work. You need someone to challenge your old habits and help you find your own personal way to win.
  • #2 Get a good plan. People who fail to plan, fail entirely. Show how serious you are about shedding the weight by writing down a strategic road map on how you're going to do it. Include progress markers that show how much weight you should lose by a certain point. Be realistic, it's not likely or safe to drop more than 5 pounds in a week. If you make realistic goals you can meet, then you'll be more encouraged to go further.
  • And #3 realize you can do it. A lot of us are living with a limited belief. We can't see ourselves going past a certain point, maybe because we've failed in the past or we haven't witness anyone close to us really advance, overcome and get exactly what they wanted in life. Put yourself in the space of I can do this and I will do this. Sure challenges will come, you'll slip up but the key is to not give in and quit. Find a way to make things work for you, so you can get the results you want.
If you've been struggling to make a decision or get a plan together to lose weight, we should talk. There's no reason why you can't create the body you want you just need to be shown how. Schedule a free fitness coaching call with me today                      -------> Scheduling Link

Much Love and Success,

Shaneka Marigny

P.S. If you missed the FREE "30 Day Tummy Slimming Challenge", a new session is starting June 1. If you know you want to trim down don't talk yourself out of it just make the decision to sign up and let me coach you for 30 days!

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