Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stop Wasting Time With Gimmicky Diet Plans

You've seen them on tv the weight loss pills that can make you lose 5 pounds in a week without working out or changing your diet. Or the weight loss program that tells you to eat grapefruit and you'll lose x-amount pounds.

These are what you call gimmick or fad diets. 

They make promises of quick weight loss and some of them actually work, but what they don't tell you is 9 times out of 10 you're going to gain that weight back plus more after you come off the diet. It's these tricks and trappings that have a lot of women out here wasting their time and thinking something has to be wrong with them for gaining the weight back.

But here's some truth: anybody who decides to do one of those quick fix, fast five diets can end up with the same crappy results. Now I'm sure you've probably heard what I'm about to say but listen to it again and take in as bible, 'the only way you can lose weight for good is to create a diet lifestyle change.'

The problem with quick fixes is you can't live them, and unless you have a diet plan that you enjoy, like, love and is convenient; long-term  weight loss will always be just a dream for you.

So, here's one way to change that... Opt for creating yourself a personalized diet plan that rocks your world. And what I mean by that is find healthy versions of the foods you love. If you have to have pizza cool no problem but look for recipes to make it better, make obvious health swaps like less peperoni and more onions and bell peppers. And do this for all of your not so healthy favorites.

The key is to have a plan that allows you to eat good, be satisfied but still lose weight. And don't buy into the assumptions that eating healthy means giving up all the foods you enjoy because if that were the case I wouldn't have made it 10 years maintaining my 20 pound weight loss.

So to put together a killer plan:

  • First find out what healthy eating really looks like. We all have assumptions about a lot of things and half the time those assumptions are dead wrong. You could be hesitating on starting your weight loss journey right now because you think you have to give up everything you love. Get informed so you can start moving forward.
  • Next write out your plan. It's not enough just to have it in your head, you need to see it, read it and complete it everyday. Your written plan is your map of how you're going to get from point A to point B- the weight you are now to the weight you want to be.
  • Third you need to live that plan with conviction. I share with clients all the time how it's important not to just have a plan but to have a great plan, one that they believe 100% will work for them. Belief is such a big factor in weight loss. Think of how many times you've abandoned your weight loss goals because you stop believing in your plan to accomplish them. Times get tough when you're trying to transform your eating habits and your body. If you don't believe in your plan then on those hard days it'll be easy to say this isn't working or I can't do this all because you don't trust the plan you have in your hands. A good plan means everything to your success.

So, now that you have the structure for establishing weight loss success; I encourage you to start mapping out your own personal diet plan and abandon those gimmick plans. Or if you want I can show you how Fit Gal Fitness goes about helping our clients do that. Either way I'm sure you'll do amazing if you put things in order.

Hope this helps!

If you want to know how I can help you craft a diet plan that get's you losing weight schedule a free 30 minute planning call with me here

Much Success & Freedom,

Shaneka Marigny

CEO | Fit Gal Fitness

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