Friday, April 10, 2015

Plank Exercises: Ab & Core Workout

If you love to work your core and you're longing for a super flat stomach planking is where it's at, BABY!

So I've put together my favorite plank moves- ones that get me the best results. The trick to getting the most out of this workout is commitment. Try taking at least 3 of the moves and doing them everyday or every other day consistently and expect to see the transformation. You see the only way you can get everything this workout or any workout you try has to offer is if you complete it on a regular bases- remember results love consistency so make that a part of the plan in order to change your body :)

Try 5 sets of 20 -30 second counts of each move!

*Plank with Back Leg Raises*

 *Side Plank Dips*

*Reverse Plan with Leg Raise*

                 *Star Planks*

*Step-back Toe Tap Plank*

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