Friday, May 29, 2015

How to Make Eating Healthy A Family Affair

So what I've noticed and experienced in my own life is that parents- mom- dad will transition into the healthy eating lifestyle and leave their kids out of it. In my own personal experience when I first began my journey to better health and losing weight, all the eating changes were made by me- I didn't want to disrupt my family's life with what seemed to be just my problem...boy was I wrong!

Eating healthy and being active are traits and a way of living that if you pass it down to your kids you're actually protecting them from a lot of the challenges many adults face who grow up in homes where eating is limitless, mindless, and lacks nutrition.

Here's what I've learned:

*Kids adapt quickly. They're not as set and stuck in their patterns as us adults which means them changing up is easier. True they may resist some of the new changes but the thing is you're the parent and at the end of the day you have the final say never forget that!

*Starting with small or big changes depends on your family. I personally made a lot of changes all at once and because I got educated on how to make healthy foods taste really good e.g. pintrest, google my family was more accepting of the new food choices.

*Everyone in the house is enjoying results. Not only have I lost weight and gotten leaner, but wow my husband who's been wanting to drop some extra pounds for years is finally seeing steady results, my daughter is thinning out since I've removed chips and cookies out of her snacks- it's great! My point is nobody is being singled out in my home as needing to lose weight, everyone's eating healthy therefore everyone is at a healthy weight and feels good in their bodies...what a gift!

The key to successfully making healthy eating a family affair is to just start. Introduce some new foods, try new recipes- but don't make a big deal about it like don't point out that you used whole wheat pasta instead of white just serve it and let them eat without having judgment. Eating healthier can be a mental battle so just do it and see how things flow, the response you receive just may surprise you!

Has it been a struggle for you to get your family on bard with eating healthier??? I want to know about it leave me a message below :)

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