Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ask Shaneka: "Can The Sugar From Fruit Be Causing My Intense Afternoon Cravings?!"

Question: I have a problem. Every time I eat fruit say like for an afternoon snack I never feel satisfied and it seems like it makes me crave more food. I end up eating the fruit plus some crackers or chips when that’s not what I wanted to do! Can the sugar from fruit be causing these cravings and if so what should I do?~ Teresa
Shaneka’s Answer: Mmm… I’m loving this question Teresa! I know those cravings after a healthy snack like fruit is throwing you for a loop, but it’s not uncommon for people to experience some pretty intense craving after eating fruit.

Here are some facts that may explain what’s going on. Number one fruit is a carb! A lot of people don’t realize that fruit just like bread and rice are made up of sugar, it’s a natural sugar which is awesome but it’s still sugar non the less; therefore it reacts in the body and causes many of the same reactions as regular added sugar. Sugar as an energy in our body burns fast meaning our body breaks it down quick and uses it, often leaving us hungry and searching for another snack- this is what’s happening to you.


One way to fix this problem is to start eating fruits that have a higher fiber count. Because fiber bulks up in the digestive system and it takes longer to leave our stomachs we feel full for a longer period of time- hence no cravings. Fruits high in fiber are raspberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, pears, kiwi, bananas, and avocado (yes, avocado is a fruit :) And make sure to eat enough, I mean don't go over board but be sure to eat a reasonable amount so you won't have the urge to go reaching for chips and other junk. It makes more sense to load up on fruits than higher calorie foods.

Another solution would be to combine your fruit of choice with a protein. Proteins are awesome at making us feel satisfied after a meal. They are made to build muscle which leads to a faster metabolism and it’s all because our bodies have to work super hard to digest these types of foods, which is a good thing. Because the sugar from fruit can raise glucose levels, that is the sugar in your blood, which can lead to more craving; by combining them with a protein that has glucagon which controls blood sugar, you can create the perfect balance. You can have the fruit which gives you the healthy energy boost and the protein which will suppress hunger and keep you full to your next meal. So try having a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts or a small skinless chicken breast with fruit. The key here is to stick to lean proteins that are not too fatty and that are all around healthy.

I hope this helps Teresa!

Much success,


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