Friday, April 4, 2014

“Say What!!! The More You Weigh The Faster Your Metabolism Is?!”

 That’s right girls, the truth is out and despite what you’ve heard a slow metabolism is not what’s keeping people fat!  We’ve all heard it and some of us have probably said this in the past “it’s my dang slow metabolism that’s keeping me from losing weight.” And you know what you’re probably right if in fact you have been dieting for awhile and have plateaued or you’ve reached your natural body weight. Shocker right- I know!

So here’s the deal there are a number of factors that effect metabolism or more importantly how fast we burn calories, lose weight, gain weight all that good stuff and it has to do with age, sex, and current weight or body mass. Let’s focus on the latter here because this will open your eyes to a whole new way of thinking and understanding how your body operates.

If you’ve ever watched the show “My 600-lb Life” you’ll notice that as soon as the participants start cutting calories even before gastric bypass surgery they start losing 5 or 10 pounds in a week, and you’re like dang that was fast! But here’s why that happens. The larger you are the faster and harder your body has to work to sustain itself meaning it takes a lot of activity inside your body circulating blood, breathing, and digesting foods to keep it running. This causes the body to covert food faster for energy and burn more calories at rest. The problem however in this situation is that for a person who’s constantly taking in too many calories and not exercising, the benefits of a high metabolism can’t be seen.

On the flip side of that a person who has a nice amount of muscle mass may also have a faster metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Follow me closely because here’s where you can win! The more muscle you put on the more calories you burn. By eating more protein which is the number one developer of muscle mass and by engaging in regular weight training at least 2-3 times a week you too can turn your body into a fat burning machine!

So, if you’re carrying extra weight know that your metabolism is prime and ready to drop the pounds, and all you have to do is start reducing calories consistently. If you’re someone who’s been dieting for awhile and your weight loss has stopped this means your metabolism has slowed down because it doesn’t need to work as hard to maintain itself however you can break through that resistance by increasing your protein intake, lowering your carbohydrate intake which raises blood sugar and cause more fat to be stored, and lift weights to tone and develop muscle. The fact is there are a number of factors that affect your metabolism but with diet and exercise it’s possible to bypass all of that and have a metabolism that works in your favor, melting a way the fat and putting you closer to your weight loss goals.

Much success,


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