Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Instructional HIIT Workout for Beginners

So, I've mentioned before that I swear and live by hiit workouts, why? Because they work, they work at conditioning, providing you with increased endurance and sustained muscle growth and a fiery metabolism!

Lately, I've been incorporating some type of of 30 minute hiit session into my workout week and I've noticed more cuts and definition in my thighs which is due to all the plyo moves involved.

Now don't get me wrong hiit is not for the faint at heart, the intensity to have to push yourself full speed for 20-30 sec and only have 10-20 sec to rest and start all over again is a real challenge. However, like with everything practice makes perfect. No one starts out at the top but with time, experience we grow to that next level. I say that to say don't be intimated by the intensity of these workouts. Start at a level you are comfortable with then increase when your body gives the signal that its ready.

In this video I walk you through a hiit workout, giving you detailed instruction on how to perform each exercise. I hope you enjoy it and be sure subscribe to the youtube channel and follow me on instagram :)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fit Gal Tips: Practice Makes Perfect, So Just Keep Going!

Starting a new workout routine can be challenging even for the most fit and active person; which is why I believe starting something new whether that's a new exercise or a new style of workout requires practice and patience on the part of the individual involved.

Checkout the video above to hear more!


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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What To Eat When You Lack Time or The Patience To Cook

If you're like me you maybe lacking the time or even the desire to get in the kitchen some days and cook. However if you still want to eat healthy this can be a tricky thing.

What I've discovered is there are quite a few meals that I can put together on the fly with minimal effort and feel good about every bite I put into my mouth because it is healthy.

Here's my list of meals that meet my needs of being quick, easy, and healthy...Let me know which you enjoy!

  1. Oatmeal- quick oats are my favorite I pour it in a bowl add water pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes and boom I have healthy carbs, protein and minimal fat all the ingredients of a healthy diet!
  2. Chicken breast tenders- I like to buy the raw chicken breast tenders because they're already cut, so that's one less step I have to do as oppose to using whole chicken breast. I season and place them on my George Foreman Grill for about 3-5 minutes and done- it don't get no quicker than that! Add some leftover veggies from the night before and I'm good.
  3. Peanut butter rice cakes- I absolutely love these. Give me two lightly salted rice cakes with some natural peanut butter or PB2 if I'm short on calories that day ;) and I'm a happy girl!
  4. Tuna and avocados- when I'm on my no cook blast this seems like a really quick fix for me. Tuna in bowl, avocado in, and a little Miss Dash and DONE!
  5. Zucchini and chicken taco bake- Since I'm all about quick assembly this fits right in. Dice the veggies, add left over chicken breast or Tyson's pre-cooked chicken in a casserole dish and taco seasoning a little water bake and then top with reduced fat cheddar, it's a quick dinner and it's delicious.
I hope you find this helpful. I'd love to know what some of your quick healthy go to meals them below :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Is Your Healthy Body Weight and How Do You Find It

So as a personal trainer and health coach this is the very first step I take clients through, figuring out what weight range is healthy for them and what nutrients, calories, and energy is needed to reach and maintain this goal.

First off I suggest if you're not working with a trainer or coach that you use an online tool to calculate your healthy weight range- mind you I say range because there is no one specific number anyone has to be. Your range maybe between 111-150 (this is mine), I could choose to be 111 or 150 (I'm 130) no mater where in there I choose higher or lower I'm healthy and at low risk for developing health conditions. I say that to say there is no right or wrong number as long as it falls within your healthy weight range and of course you're happy with how your body looks and feels at that weight. I recommend the BMI calculator by WebMD to get your number, it's really specific and provides you with your total daily calorie intake. This is the number of calories you will need to eat each day to either lose weight or maintain weight.

Another good number to know and one that maybe even more important than your daily calorie intake is your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is the number of calories your body burns everyday if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating. Here's why this number is so important, if you are attempting to lose weight but you eat less than this number your body will slow down meaning slow down the amount of energy it uses to perform task in an attempt to conserve and meet its daily demands; thus slowing your metabolism which means you won't lose weight! This is a big one because the idea is eat less lose weight...right? Wrong, the saying should go eat the right amount your body requires and lose all the weight you want without plateauing :) My BMR is about 1300 calories a day, that is what my body needs every day to just function so I make sure to at the least hit that calorie number every day to ensure my body doesn't go into starvation mode which leads to a slow metabolism, muscle loss, and slow fat loss. So you definitely what to get that number. I'll post at the bottom a link to where you can get all these calculations.

But the biggest take way I want you to have is that you need to know your healthy weight range, not number but range. You need to know your total daily calorie intake number because when you stay within range of this number you hit your goal whether that's fat loss or to just maintain. And lastly but most important know you're BMR and don't starve your body, this number is your starting point for losing weight, gaining lean muscle mass, and experiencing consistent results on your journey to creating the body you want!

If you need guidance on this or coaching simply email me at for further assistance!

Helpful Links:

Healthy Weight Range Calculator-
Total Daily Calorie Intake Calculator- or WebMd
Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator-

Friday, May 29, 2015

How to Make Eating Healthy A Family Affair

So what I've noticed and experienced in my own life is that parents- mom- dad will transition into the healthy eating lifestyle and leave their kids out of it. In my own personal experience when I first began my journey to better health and losing weight, all the eating changes were made by me- I didn't want to disrupt my family's life with what seemed to be just my problem...boy was I wrong!

Eating healthy and being active are traits and a way of living that if you pass it down to your kids you're actually protecting them from a lot of the challenges many adults face who grow up in homes where eating is limitless, mindless, and lacks nutrition.

Here's what I've learned:

*Kids adapt quickly. They're not as set and stuck in their patterns as us adults which means them changing up is easier. True they may resist some of the new changes but the thing is you're the parent and at the end of the day you have the final say never forget that!

*Starting with small or big changes depends on your family. I personally made a lot of changes all at once and because I got educated on how to make healthy foods taste really good e.g. pintrest, google my family was more accepting of the new food choices.

*Everyone in the house is enjoying results. Not only have I lost weight and gotten leaner, but wow my husband who's been wanting to drop some extra pounds for years is finally seeing steady results, my daughter is thinning out since I've removed chips and cookies out of her snacks- it's great! My point is nobody is being singled out in my home as needing to lose weight, everyone's eating healthy therefore everyone is at a healthy weight and feels good in their bodies...what a gift!

The key to successfully making healthy eating a family affair is to just start. Introduce some new foods, try new recipes- but don't make a big deal about it like don't point out that you used whole wheat pasta instead of white just serve it and let them eat without having judgment. Eating healthier can be a mental battle so just do it and see how things flow, the response you receive just may surprise you!

Has it been a struggle for you to get your family on bard with eating healthier??? I want to know about it leave me a message below :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Plank Exercises: Ab & Core Workout

If you love to work your core and you're longing for a super flat stomach planking is where it's at, BABY!

So I've put together my favorite plank moves- ones that get me the best results. The trick to getting the most out of this workout is commitment. Try taking at least 3 of the moves and doing them everyday or every other day consistently and expect to see the transformation. You see the only way you can get everything this workout or any workout you try has to offer is if you complete it on a regular bases- remember results love consistency so make that a part of the plan in order to change your body :)

Try 5 sets of 20 -30 second counts of each move!

*Plank with Back Leg Raises*

 *Side Plank Dips*

*Reverse Plan with Leg Raise*

                 *Star Planks*

*Step-back Toe Tap Plank*

Friday, March 20, 2015

Healthy Guilty Pleasures...Dark Chocolate

The other day I had a serious craving for one of my weaknesses chocolate, oh my gosh, it's weird because when I was younger I never liked chocolate. I'd always ask my dad to bring me home some fruity candy on his way home from work, never chocolate...boy how things have changed.

So, what is it about chocolate that gets us going? Well for women our cravings for chocolate can be strictly hormonal thus becoming a necessity ;) Before a woman's menstrual cycle, serotonin (good mood hormones) levels drop significantly thus evoking cravings for fatty and high sugar foods like chcocoalte- so "no" you're not crazy your body is actually wanting more sugar and fats to make up for what it doesn't have enough of at the moment, see how smart it is?!

Now, chocolate is good and moderation is always your best bet, but there's also a type of chocolate that's actually good for you- and that's dark chocolate. Dark chocolate provides a ton of antioxidants that protect the body from diseases like cancer and also unlike regular chocolate can actually stabilize blood sugar levels which reduces the fat storing hormone insulin, and who doesn't want that?!

Here's a tip the next you get a craving for chocolate opt for the healthier version dark chocolate and one that contains at least 60% cocoa to get the maximum benefits. When you do this you can at least feel good knowing that you're actually feeding your body something good and fulfilling your sweet tooth at the same time. Remember life can be sweet even while keeping your weight under control, just practice finding healthier versions of the foods you love- trust me it works!

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